Recipe: Garlic Citrus Chicken Kabobs with Watermelon Salsa

Garlic Citrus Chicken Kabobs with Watermelon Salsa

Happy Monday! Congratulations to everybody that graduated this weekend! I loved seeing the pictures of my friends and classmates in their caps and gowns as they walked the stage this weekend to the new phases of their lives. I can't believe that will be me in one short year... time really flies by. I'm excited for all that senior year will bring- fun times with my best friends, applying to Dietetic Internships, and of course lots and lots of good food. But for right now, I am just going to focus on enjoying my last "kid" summer at home before the real world hits.

On my first day back from school, I prepared Garlic Citrus Chicken Kabobs for my parents. It was an absolutely beautiful night and the grill was just calling my name. I paired the tangy, spicy kabobs with a colorful and fresh watermelon salsa and served the two over a bed of white jasmine rice.

You might be wondering if those are actually watermelons in the salsa... they are! I was in a rush at Kroger and the huge bin that is normally stocked with watermelons was empty. There was a stack of watermelons nestled in the other produce and so I grabbed one and went on my way. I was shocked when I cut the watermelon open at home to find a bright yellow inside. Luckily I had experienced yellow watermelon before at the Oxford Farmer's Market, paired with red watermelon and drizzled with an amazing local balsamic vinegar, so I knew what I had gotten myself into. Yellow watermelon tastes extremely similar to a regular watermelon, except it is a bit sweeter. It's a perfect snack on a hot day!

Here is some information for further reading on yellow watermelons, maybe you can pick one up at your local farmer's market or grocery store the next time you have a craving for the delicious summer fruit:

The theme of this meal was patience and timing. After preparing the salsa, I wanted to dig in straight away with a bag of chips and finish the whole bowl in 5 minutes. But I knew that the longer I let the flavors marry, the more satisfied I would be in the long run. The pinch of salt and acid from the lime would need a little bit of time to work it's magic, and although it was hard, it was definitely worth the wait. The same went for the chicken. Preparing the chicken in advance was one of the most important steps, but also the riskiest. Using an acidic marinade can make meats taste delicious, but if you leave them for too long, it will toughen the meat. Marinating your meat or seafood for under an hour in a flavorful marinade will lend just enough time for the flavors to bury itself into the meat and give you a delicious and tender end product. When cooking a recipe, being patient and mindful of your ingredients will always give you a better tasting finished product than rushing through the steps.

With that being said, I hope you can find time in this busy week to slow down, practice patience and mindfulness, and sit down to a delicious meal with your family or friends.

Garlic Citrus Marinade

  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 10 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 cup fresh lime juice
  • 1 cup fresh orange juice
  • Salt
  • Few sprigs of fresh cilantro
  • Heat oil in a pan, saute garlic and dried spices and herbs for 10 seconds then remove from heat.
  • Allow to cool then combine with the remaining ingredients. 
Chicken Kabobs
  • 2 chicken breasts, cubed
  • 2 1/2 cups of marinade
  • Vegetables of choice (I used 2 red onions, 1 zucchini, and 2 bell peppers), chopped
  • Marinade chicken for 1 hour or less. 
  • Soak wooden skewers for at least 30 minutes and place chicken and vegetables. 
  • Sprinkle with salt and pepper and coat with cooking spray. 
  • Grill over medium high heat until chicken is cooked through and the vegetables and meat have started to become blackened. 
Watermelon Salsa
  • 1/2 watermelon, diced
  • 1 mango, diced
  • 1 red onion, diced
  • 1 jalapeno, diced
  • Juice of 2 limes
  • Chopped fresh cilantro
  • Salt
  • Combine ingredients. The longer you let it sit the better!


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